Sunday, September 12, 2010

Entry 2

Thursday June 3rd:

Things are really great now, I'm super glad I came. Classes were a bit overwhelming at first, but I've since gotten used to them. The best thing that's happened so far was a going out with Zack and Sean to KunDu. It was crazy! First we'd met at a bar called Ganesha, they have some amazing stories. Apparently they were both in a Chinese film randomly. They said the best way to do neat things is just be flexible and go with stuff. After Ganesha, Zack went to change for KunDu, because if he got in a fight he didn't want to be wearing sandals! So me, sean, dave went to a different bar and grabbed a beer, then headed to Zack's place, then KunDu. Loud doesn't even BEGIN to describe this place. I could feel the bass like it was hitting my torso. it's not like an American club, there are tons of tiny tables the people stand around and order huge amounts of drinks at one time, then just dance around the table, or go up on a stage. I ended up being dragged on stage A LOT, it was awesome. Usually I'm afraid to dance sober, which was taken care of later, but it felt easier to do it here. Maybe because it was China, I don't know. After KunDu we bar hopped a bit trying to find room. At one place these guys in giant Garfield, Dalmatian, Mouse, etc costumes were up on a stage dancing. Was an awesome night, didn't get too sick or throw up.

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